Friday, November 5, 2010

NanoWriMo...oh no I'm starting to talk like them!

It's...well, it was, day 5 of National Novel Writing Month. I don't care if you're sick of me talking about it. There are 25...well, soon to be 24, days left, so you better get used to it!
Today my own personal goal was to get to the 10,000 word mark. At this moment I'm at 10,885/50,000. Hooray! I wrote 4093 words today (!) and my story took an interesting new direction. I'm not sure how it all goes together buy, I guess that's to worry about after it's written. When I realized what I had written and where it was going I actually started to giggle out loud. That's never good. Then again, I've also spent most of the day writing. I took my adderall at two separate times so I was able to concentrate better. One of the days I waited too late to start and it was like pulling teeth. I think it was day 3. But now I'm cruising along. It'll be interesting to see where it goes from here!