Tuesday, June 30, 2009

For serious?

Today I went to Saints for a 7:30am bone density test. It was my first time outside since I came home from the hospital. I made it down the 31 stairs flawlessly. Getting into the car was a little rough because I'm used to sitting down, slowly rotating, going down on my elbow, etc. The way the seat in a car is situated made it difficult. While looking for where I needed to be we just happened to run into the fantastic nurse I had in the hospital. She was happy to see me and made sure I wasn't going back in the hospital. When I said no, she asked why I was there then. In which I told her that I was there to go to the 7:30am appointment she booked for me. She laughed.

The bone density test didn't take long at all. I was out in about 20 minutes. I got home also in one piece. Going up the stairs was easier than I anticipated. The one thing I noticed is sitting up is a little uncomfortable and I don't think I can do it for long. It was nice just to get dressed and move around a little. I'm pretty tired now. I almost dozed off, but my phone woke me up ;P

A nurse from the hospital called and said the Dr. from the hospital was calling in a prescription for me and she wanted me to have her number so I could call her. I called and left a message. She just called me back. Now I assumed that something was up with the bone density test so they were giving me meds for that. Apparently my EEG results came back abnormal. That's right. This kid is going on seizure medication.


Let's hope nothing ever happens around my mother because she doesn't know I had a seizure in the first place.

My medical problems are really starting to stack up here! And I can't help but think, if this doesn't help me get disability, nothing will.

My mother came by yesterday to bring me a bunch of stuff like food and the rolling stone magazine with Adam Lambert on the cover. (Sidenote: I think he is man candy for every gender and sexual orientation. Me - oW! Too bad I only saw the AI finale ;P) Me and the lady are going to Disney World in August. We were (well mostly her, I was still gung ho in the hospital) nervous that I wouldn't be able to make the trip. I was going to get a wheelchair anyway because of the lupus, but we were only going to rent them in the park. Now we are getting a wheelchair delivered from a local retailer to our hotel so I can have it for the week. I told my mother this and she insisted on paying for it. This is exciting because it frees up a little of the money I had saved for that purpose. (Don't worry, I have money for my refillable resort drink bottle. I think that was first on the list ;P)

ARG! I'm so MAD about the seizure activity! Well, space mountain isn't open anyway, not that we're chancing me on any ride that could shake me and my spine. I'm hoping to ride Soarin', Splash Mountain, and the Kali River Rapids. The rides completely out: Dinosaur, Tower of Terror, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, Expedition Everest, Rockin' Rollercoaster...


On Buzzlightyear's Space Ranger Spin I can ride in my wheelchair. This makes me happy. We've ordered a very highly recommended book for Disneyworld with mobility issues, so I'm looking forward to learning more. The last time I went to Disney I was 8 years old, I read somewhere that the average adult in a wheelchair is at the height of an 8 or 9 year old. It's like going through the same vantage point TWICE! ;P

If you can't tell, I'm really excited about disney. Even in my wheelchair and with my carry one of millions of pill bottles. I like being optimistic. It looks good on me and it makes people smile. And it makes me smile too.

Speaking of, if you haven't read Always Looking Up by Michael J. Fox, I suggest you do. I started reading it pre-seizure and finished it post. The man is officially my hero. The way he handles his life and disease is truly inspiring.

Wow, this post is longer than I intended. ;P Be well!