When I first applied for disability I sent in paperwork to both my loan companies explaining my deferment. Me being me, I submitted my name change to only one company and couldn't remember which one. So I sent all the paperwork under sean. Big shocker, I never heard back from either one. Last week I received a message on my voicemail for Sarah. I checked my account online and sure enough, they didn't get my message. I'm going to use the economic stimulus check I received to pay the money I owe from the deliquent months and send them the name change paperwork. Hopefully then I can get a deferment. The woman called again today and I answered. When she asked for Sarah, I told her she had the wrong number. Upon checking the number with me, I responded, yes, that is the number, but there is no Sarah here.
Perhaps not one of my best moments ;P
When applying for disability it is made clear that some doctors visits/additional tests may be required. I received a notice from them last week stating just that. I applied for disability when my lupus flared and sent me into the hospital. My doctors told me I needed at least 6 months of recovery time with the aggressive treatment. I applied because of a physical disability. Can someone tell me why the disability office set me up for an appointment with a psychologist?? The only things I can come up with is they are just checking on the diagnosis of my GID and ADHD. Unless they just want to prove I'm a crazy tranny trying to screw the system ;P
My last few doctors appointments went well. My last ANA test came back negative which means the lupus is inactive. It looks like the treatment has successfully wiped it out for now. The Nephrologist doesn't see a point in repeating the kidney biopsy at this time. My prednisone dosage is continuing to decrease. I won't be surprised if they keep me on a low dosage for minimum another 6 months. A low dose of 10 mg is MUCH better than the 60 I started on in the hospital. I'm hoping to start job searching at the end of the summer. If I get disability I will only be able to work 20 hours or less. If I get denied disability I have to decide whether to appeal the decision or just drop it. One of the reasons I'm not dropping it is because if I get disability I will get retroactive pay from February. Another reason is just because I'm getting better doesn't mean it won't happen again. However I am sick of being sick and the thought of a full time job is happy time.
In other news, I am the proud owner of a wireless internet card and a webcam. (1 <3 ebay) The wireless card is a little finiky and will not pick up networks that are too far away. Like if the wireless is coming from the lobby and I am on the fourth floor, I wont pick it up. I am using it right now so I know it the right conditons it does indeed work. There is something nice about using my own computer again. Tyler (the name of my laptop) and I have been through the ringer. He's been shipped back to the company twice and had his hard drive fall out when I tripped over the wire. This is the first time he's been connected to the internet in almost 2 years. Welcome back to the world wide web, Tyler! Another fun thing about having Ty up and running is all the old pictures I have on him. Whoo!
The webcam is an older model but was recommended and works fine. I participated in my very first video chat. It makes one reconsider surfing the net in one's underwear. I'm exciting to record a video podcast, perhaps to commemorate 12 months on T. I'm sure I won't be able to wait the month and a half to make a video. We will see.