Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Back by popular demand!

Happy Halloween! I have made a pact with myself to avoid getting scared and screaming like a pussy girl.

We all know I have minimal control over that ;P Like the greeter dressed as a witch in wal-mart... *shivers*

I received two demands for an update, and I apologize to those parties for my tardiness.

Part of the reason I haven't updated is that changes are slow. Facial/body hair is still coming in but it's the type of thing that you don't notice it unless you're looking for it. I went to see my mother last night and she made a comment about my facial hair and my voice changing. Nothing bad, just that she noticed it. That's a start. My mustache is now unmistakable and I'm shaving off my chin hairs once a week. (Or should be, I'm slow with that, too!)

I did have one this happen last Thursday that is worth mentioning. Every other Thursday I self inject 200 ml of testosterone into my thigh muscle. The last dose was shot #4 that I have done at home. I got everything ready, stuck the needle and... got a little resistance. Ah well, I thought, and pushed harder. That's when I hit a vein. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, a volcano of blood erupted from my leg. (For once I'm not being dramatic.) I scrambled for paper towels and more band-aids. Luckily after the volcano it didn't bleed much more.

Obviously I pulled the needle out and found another area in which to inject. Un fortunately by this time my muscle is so tense that I have a hard time getting the needle in. After trying in the new spot, I give up, pull the needle out, and switch legs. The third time was a charm and I successfully got my T injected. I have always been afraid that I would hit a vein and not realize it, inject the T and stop my heart. I'm glad I know now that if I hit a vein it's pretty obvious.

I pass 100% of the time now. I think it also helps that my debit card says Sean. I used to hate using it before I changed my name on my bank because the damn debit card gave me away every time. I haven't cried for the entire 4 months I've been on T. I get angry instead. I think if I wasn't such a nice guy I'd be a complete asshole.

I'm opening this up to the rest of the class. Is there something my loyal readers want to hear about? A long monologue about gender, society, mantown, etc? I'm sure there are things that I do on a daily basis or encounter that I have gotten used to and don't see as something to report, but perhaps are notable or at least interesting to you. Just leave me a comment and I will do my best to respond in a timely manner. (This also means more frequent updates. Yahoo!)

A few days ago I added a new track on the soundboard. The link is in a previous post.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The Voice! It CHANGES!

I couldn't get it to embed so here is the next best thing!