Monday, October 11, 2010

I heart slot machines, dislike lupus, and adore Yard Sale: Hidden Treasures


The alarm went off at 5:15a this morning so we could get an early start to Mohegan Sun. The best part of the casino is getting there before it gets crowded so you can breathe. I got a $10 free slot promo in the mail, which worked out well because I was able to build off that and even walk out with $25.

In other news, I'm 99% sure my lupus is flaring. I should have known. Chest pain, joint/muscle pain, temperature fluctuation, cold hands and feet, and probably a low grade fever. I didn't call it a flare until I saw my red blotchy cheeks and forehead. Then it was official.


We got home from the casino around 4p and planned on resting. Because my laptop crashed I've been using Amy's. The problem with that is something happened long ago to her computer and it's never been fixed. So it's extremely slow. This week I'm finding my paperwork and calling Dell. I've only had my laptop for over a year and I'm almost positive it's still under warrenty. Anyway, I didn't stay online for long because she downloaded Yard Sale for the Wii. Yes, I know it sounds terrible. I've been making fun of it for a week. However, I read the reveiw and customers really loved it. So she downloaded it, and I got sucked in right away. It's an extremely cheesy game in which you must visit neighbor's yard sale, find particular items and refurbish them in order to spruce up a room. Why? To win the neighborhood's beautiful house prize. Or something like that.

It's been estimated we played for 4 hours. I will check the wii tomorrow to see the exact time.