Tuesday, October 14, 2008


It's a sad day when a person realizes their free internet connection has disapeared. I am still holding out hope and will continue to check for the signal. Until then I will learn to love the library more than just once a week. Speaking of the library, shortly I will approach the check out counter and ask them why a book I returned 2 weeks ago is showing up as overdue. I think the problem is on their end, not on mine. (Even though I'm positive I returned it I'm also paranoid and double checked the house just in case.)

I finally got some good news. I applied last month for food stamps because let's face it, disability isn't going to happen anytime soon and I'm running low on cash. Luckily the case worked contacted me before he went on a two week vacation so I could get my supporting documents to him so he could rush the process. Saturday I got my notice in the mail that I will be receiving a good chunk of food money monthly. It's more than I expected for one person, but it really boils down to about $5 a day. My favorite transaction so far is two frozen pizzas, soup, and a sweet potato. I love sweet potatoes. It's a new found thing. I slice them thin and make fries in the oven. Very very tasty.

Thursday I have to be at Beth Israel at 8:15am for my medication infusion. They told me to plan on being there most of the day. Excellent. The upside to this is Thursday is also the day I can order a new phone from verizon for free. Thank you new every two. As some of you may know, my current phone is a piece of crap. I can talk on the phone for maybe 5 minutes before the battery dies so if I don't have the charger with me I'm screwed. And I'm always nervous when a doctor calls that my phone is going to hang up on them. I plan on taking this infusion time to research the free phones and find the best one.

Between the prednisone and razor burn my face has become highly sensitive and blemished. I stopped shaving so hopefully it will heal itself. I'm hoping to de-Wolverine on Friday.

I have a chest/head cold that is producing disgusting stuff. I haven't been getting very much sleep because the first night my throat was on fire and the second night I kept waking up to cough. Mucinex is doing a pretty good job but not 100%.

I'll probably post more on Thursday.