Sometime back in June (I think) I submitted a letter to the management of UPS to be considered for a part time supervisor position. About three months ago I finally heard back from them in the form of an informal HR session that basically just laid out what we were applying for and how that happened. Then I heard nothing, yet again. Until last Monday, in which my supervisor had me sign all the paperwork so I could take the assessment test. I took the test on Thursday. The test was comprised of some basic math questions (all percentages) questions about prior experience and your personality. It was all multiple choice, although some of the questions left me thinking, "I wouldn't do any of those..." Anyway, it was all pretty straight forward and I couldn't imagine not passing it. I received a letter in the mail yesterday that started with, "Thank you for applying for a management position at UPS. At this time, however, based on our assessment process, there does not appear to be a match between your skills and abilities and UPS's needs." My favorite part of it is, "If you are interested in re-applying for consideration for part-time management positions, the timeframe for re-application is six months from the day of your underqualification."
Yes. That's right. They are telling ME that I am underqualified for a PART TIME supervisor position at UPS. As much as I want to laugh in their faces, I think this is exactly what I needed. I feel floored and ready to (really this time) start searching for a real job. I'm looking for a full time administrative job in a college or university. I miss the university atmosphere and, as weird as this sounds, I miss doing office work. I miss using me brain instead of brawn, I miss conversations with educated people, and I miss being happy at my job.
I'm scared and anxious to begin this hunt but I also know it is good for me to finally understand that I have talents and qualifications that are going to waste. Also, I need the money like woah.
I hung the rejection letter on the wall by my desk. I got the idea from Stephen King. When he was younger and first starting to send out his work, he hung all his rejection letters on a nail. Eventually he had so many he had to replace the nail with a metal spike. If that's what it takes to get me moving, then we'll try it. I mean, really. I'll try almost anything once ;)