I am an AWFUL blogger. I apologize to my legions of fans (if there are any of you still out there!) Within the past month I've noticed an insane amount of body hair growth, especially notable on my legs and thighs. I've been told my back is also getting pretty hairy, however my neck doesn't quite stretch that far back so I am unable to confirm at this time.
I changed the voicemail on my phone because I was told my voice was much deeper than the previous message. I was also told by a friend with whom I hadn't spoken in a while that they thought they had the wrong number when first hearing my voicemail. And that was before I changed it.
I went to the casino a few weeks back. It was the first time I've been to any gambling establishment and wasn't carded. That's correct. Not once did they ask to see my ID. Boo yeah.
I didn't go to pride this year because I had no one to go with ;P And after the debacle of going to pride alone last year, I skipped it. But I did read House of Sand and Fog, which kicked ass.
I've never been into fantasy/science fiction novels. At the end of the senior year in high school I picked up a book by George R.R. Martin called A Game of Thrones. I was unaware at the time that this was the first in a series called the Song of Ice and Fire. Slowly I read through the second and third books, thinking I was done. Oh no, I found out there was a fourth. I just completed the fourth book and the last page tells me there is another one. Now, I have been reading this series for seven years and need to have some closure! Last night I checked his website and found out that not only is the 5th book not completed (it's slated for the end of the year, hopefully) there are two, that's right, TWO books AFTER THAT!! As a friend of mine who is also reading this series stated, the author is an older gentlemen, what happens if he dies before the last two books are written?? That, my friends, would be a sad, sad day. Oh yeah, and it doesn't help that all the books are over 500 pages.
At the end of this month I celebrate my one year testosteroneiversary. The longer I am on it I find it is more difficult to see changes. Others are more likely to see them because I've just gotten used to it. For example, my mother noticed that my shoulders are becoming broader. My neck is also thicker and I've got a bigger head. Which is lucky because all my hats were too big to begin with. The neck thing became a problem when it took me almost 20 minutes to button the top button of my dress shirt without injuring myself. I haven't encountered any problems with injecting the T in a long time. I make sure that I'm doing it at least 6 inches away from the knee. I think any problems I was having before was that I was trying to inject it not in the thigh and just in the leg.
I'm down to 10 mg of prednisone, hooray! I have an appointment with my rheumotologist on Friday in which he's going to play medication twister per order of the kidney doctor. July 1st is my last dose of cyclophosphamide which is really exciting. I'll be happy to get on a low dose of meds and get on with my life.
I still get tired easily and have to be careful during certain activities. For example, if I spend Friday night drinking like a fish, I should know that I'll be wiped out for the rest of the weekend. And if I do a 6.5 mile benefit walk, consider the next day a wash. And probably the following week as well.
Now that I'm getting closer to a clean bill of health (or as clean as I can possibly get) I look forward to job searching and doing something that I enjoy. I'm still waiting on social security. I have to see a psychologist on July 10th so they can get more information. When I asked why this was, she explained to me that because they don't have anything on me having ADHD on file, they just need to get it documented. She stressed that this can only help me. Here's to hoping.
Well, I'm off to fix the ? key on my keyboard because it fell off. I'll try not to be a stranger.