Thursday, March 25, 2010

LIVE via satellite!

That's right, folks, I'm at the Pollard Memorial Library in good ole Lowell, Massachusetts. I didn't feel like lugging around my laptop so I'm using a library computer. They got new flat screen monitors so there is a stack of old tube monitors behind me. Hopefully they'll be recycled.

I was waiting for the bathroom key and overheard two librarians talking about "a couple crammed in an alcove by the staircase." They were discussing how people nowadays don't have any respect for those around them and don't care who sees. This got me thinking about when I was in high school. The music wing was technically part of the middle school but really existed on it's own peninsula. There were 4 bathrooms: men's, women's, men teachers, and women teachers. The teachers bathroom's were one-stallers that locked. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand what I'm getting at. At least we had the decency to lock the door behind us. And the music practice rooms locked as well. However the main music room didn't, resulting in a near miss. Anyway.

I've been on a J.D. Salinger kick. I re-read Catcher in the Rye and read Franny and Zooey. I'm currently waiting for 2 or 3 more titles I didn't know existed to be available from the library. I'm sure there is more and if I get really crazy I'll find them. I enjoy his work immensely. It gets me thinking about how I was almost a writer. I guess almost is a sad word to use. I guess if I put my mind to it (and maybe took some amphetamines to keep my rabid ADHD in check)I could get back to being a writer. For now I'm content to think. I think a lot. By the time I get to a notebook the thought is gone. So for now I kinda have to be content with thinking because thinking is all I've got.

Way to get all deep there, kiddo.

I've also been really into jelly beans. When we were shopping for our new living room furniture at Bob's I'd wear cargo pants that were too big just so I could stuff the pockets with free packages of jelly beans. They are known as the Jelly Bean Pants. Now that we've bought furniture and are waiting for it to be delivered I am donating my pants. Today I bought a bag on sale at CVS for 88 cents. As a kid I wasn't too fond of regular jelly beans. I was a jelly bean elitist, only eating jelly belly or jolly rancher beans. Last year I started actually enjoying the cheap store brand variety. What's not to like about chewy sugar coated in sugar? Try them with cheese nips. It's a new kind of trail mix. More like a sit-in-front-of-the-television mix.

My computer just told me to save my work because my time is almost up. I am going to do just that. Be well.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Holy moly, I'm following through!

As promised, a new post. Hello new and old followers of my blog! I think the first entry of this blog is from June 2007 when I first began taking testosterone for my transition from female to male. If that bothers you, I suggest you stop reading now. I have many medical issues, the most destructive to my writing being severe ADHD. I have the attention span of a fruit fly. So bear with me if I'm talking about a television show and suddenly you're reading about a tasty burger I consumed. I'll try my best but I won't promise anything. I like to think that if I go back and edit I'll lose the essence of what I was trying to convey in the first place. Yes, I have my BA in English. No, I don't often use it. But I do use proper grammar, unless I'm feeling particularly modern.

This weekend I met my girlfriend in New York to visit her family and see The Phantom of the Opera. When let loose, I'm a musical freak so this was quite an exciting venture. Thursday night I was completely packed and had everything set for the next morning in which I would call a taxi at 4:30am, take the 5:35am train into Boston, take the T from North Station to South Station, board the 8am Fung Wah bus, arrive in Chinatown and take the subway and hopefully board a 1pm ferry. Woah.

For that reason I laid down in bed at 8pm. At 9:30pm, still awake, my mother texted me because she works third shift and, really, what 26 year old do you know who is in bed at that time? I think I fell asleep around 10pm only to wake up at 12am to use the bathroom. And again at 2am. After that I couldn't get back to sleep. I stayed in bed until 3:45am and finally succumbed to my fate. I was thankful to myself for deciding to set the coffee timer the night before. I had a breakfast of Tasteos (Market Basket Honey Nut Cherrios), coffee, and made sure the cats had enough food and water. I wouldn't let myself call the taxi until 4:30am because I didn't want to get to the train station way early. I even showed my cat the time on the phone to prove i wasn't cheating. The cab driver said he'd be there in 5 minutes. I hurried up and grabbed my stuff, ran down the stairs, and locked both doors. And then I waited. And waited. At one point I was staring off into space - but it turned out I was staring into a woman's house. I figured that out when we made eye contact. Oops. Finally I was getting nervous so I checked my phone. 1 missed call. Awesome. I called the cab driver back:

Driver: "A1 taxi services"
Me: "Hi, I got a missed call from you, I called about 20 minutes ago?"
Driver: "Oh yeah, I couldn't get to you. There is a police barricade around the street. I tried another way but it's all blocked off."
Me: "Uh... okay. Do you know where I can walk to in order to get to you?"
Driver: "I don't know. I'm already gone, I got other things to do."
Me: "Okay, thank you."

It's 4:48am and I'm walking down a dark, tree-lined road that is barricaded by police cars saying outloud, "Of course! Of course!" I thought that if I had a phone that could access the internet my facebook status would have said "FML." My best idea was to walk as far as I had to in order to get away from the barricade. I started running for a split second and decided that was a terrible idea. I have bad joints and a bad back. While I was walking I had my cellphone clutched in my hand and I thought, "Yeah that's smart, if someone jumps out at you what are you going to do, bash them with your phone?" I also wasn't sure why there were police around and why the street was blocked off. So then I convinced myself there was a serial killer on the loose. I finally find the end of the barricade about .4 miles away. I call another cab company that I just happened to have saved in my phone. The dispatcher seemed concerned that I was outside in the cold on a random street near a police barricade. He said someone would be there soon. While I waited I paced back and forth to keep warm and because my balance is bad I kept tripping over my feet. I also was talking to myself. I think because it was dark and cold and no one was around. It was a little frightening. Finally the cab driver picked me up told me crazy stories of being a cab driver. I made my 5:35am train. It was quite an experience, especially since I ended up being up for 21 hours that day.

We saw Phantom on Saturday night. I love the bright colors of NYC. I could do without the tourists, however. They are loud and annoying and never know where they are going. No, I'm not a native New Yorker, but I like to think I have a little sense. The show was fantastic. Our seats were 4 rows from the stage. It was amazing! Although at the end when there were a little pyrotechnics and pop guns I did freak out a little. The noises made me jump and I got paranoid that the flashes would give me a seizure. I've had three seizures since June and no one is really sure why, so I get a little nervous. After the show we went to Juniors for cheesecake. While we were waiting, Tracy Morgan walked in. It was funny, because I was sitting there and then I was like, "UMMMMM..." It was the type of um that made my girlfriend instantly look up. She's a repeater, so she kept on saying, "Tracy Morgan! Tracy Morgan!" Luckily it was a whisper so no one heard us. We saw him a bunch of times because the place wasn't very big. Now I don't even like Tracy Morgan, but it was just the thrill of seeing a celebrity in public. And it makes a good story. Well, off to take another bus! The joys of public transportation for life. I <3 my health ;P Be well, all :) More to come soon!

Monday, March 8, 2010

(Another) New Beginning

This weekend I realized I missed blogging. It's always been a place to get my feelings out or get up on my soap box. I almost typed soup box. Oh dear.

Anyway, starting tomorrow I'll update with a (hopefully) meaningful post and try to update in a timely manner from here on out.
