I recently passed my testosterone two monthiversary. Last Thursday I went into Boston for my shot before work because on Friday I had plans to go to the Cape with my dear old mother. I told the nurse I wanted to learn how to self inject and after I drew up the dose I did just that. I must say I was extremely nervous because I had never plunged a needle into my body before that. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. She said everything was perfect and asked if I wanted to come back in two weeks and do it for her one more time or if I just wanted to do it myself. That's right, I now have a perscription for testosterone and cooresponding needles waiting for me at CVS. She also made me a little bag with bandaids, gauze pads, and alcohol wipes so I'd be ready to go.
Friday morning bright and early my mother, whom we will refer to as Janet because it's much funnier, showed up for our weekend on the cape. I'm learning to deal with her a little better - sometimes I just need to let her talk and grunt a yes or no if she's looking for it. I'm not sure what she thinks testosterone is going to do to me, but she's voiced her opinion that she doesn't like it and is skeptical of my doctor. Most of this is because she doesn't know my doctor and all of this is really out of her comfort zone. She thinks my armpit hair is grow and told me I was flaunting it. ( I was in the hotel room wearing my binder and a beater. Sometimes you gotta raise your arms up!) She asked if hair was going to grow and if I was going to have to shave, in which she ended up feeling the stubble above my lip and said it was gross.
She asked me why I would want facial hair, and then she kind of answered her own question by saying, "Well I guess with this you can't pick and choose." So I'm not sure if she thinks I just want to look like a boy because as many times as we've been over this there seems to be some sort of a disconnect between what she thinks and what's really happening. I'll be interested to see what happens when my voice drops and the hair really starts coming in. She is getting better at not outting me in public - she refered to me as her son in front of a stranger. We joke around now about Sarah being my sister, so if she slips and calls me that I simply say, we didn't bring my sister along.
On a separate yet related note, I need to start looking for a new job. I applied to be a supervisor where I work however they are so slow that at this rate I'll be a Sup in 2013. I'm nervous because Sean has one reference and I know I need more than that. Sarah has plenty, but my sister is currently and forever unemployed.
I'll update again soon with pics, my browser is not allowing me to post at this moment.