Saturday, December 29, 2007

6 months

When I first started taking T I thought of 6 months as really far away. Today marks my 6 monthiversary and I'm def happy with the results so far. Yesterday I noticed that my sideburns are beginning to grow in. I was told that I'm not as awkward anymore, as if I've grown into my face.

I went to the walk-in clinic on Thursday because I've had a cold for over a month and the chest pain was getting too much. On my paper hospital bracelet I'm identified as male. It's not often that I get to see my name next to a M. It was nice. The nurse said I looked too young to be 24, she said I was just a baby. I told the doctor that I was taking testosterone. He asked for what, and I said for hormone replacement therapy. He just nodded and continued on without even blinking. Then I had to go in for chest x-rays. The x-ray tech told me that I would have to take off my chain and my shirt. So I took off my chain and just stood there.

Nurse: Ok, just take off your shirt.
Me: Uh,...I can't leave it on?
Nurse: No...

Nurse: Do you want a johnny?
Me: Yes.

So I took off my t-shirt and put the johnny on, trying to conceal my binder underneath.

Nurse: You aren't wearing anything under this, are you?
Me: I am.
Nurse: Everything has to be off under the johnny

So I went back to the dressing area and took off my binder. I slouched for the x-rays, except when I had to lift my arms over my head. Luckily she either didn't notice anything out of the ordinary or just didn't say anything.

The doctor said he saw bronchitis but didn't see any pneumonia, gave me a prescription for antibiotics, and I was on my way. Not 10 minutes later I get a voicemail from him, so I call him back. Apparently the radiologist took a look at my x-rays and I did indeed have pneumonia. He said the antibiotics should still be fine.

So here I am on my 6 month happy day of t greatness laying on the couch unable to sleep because my lungs are filled spitting up mucus and blood. ;P

The best part is that I was so stressed about the x-ray/binder issue that I forgot to pick up my chain after I was done. May my favorite piece of jewelry RIP.

I'll post voice clips and more pics once I don't look and sound like death. I hope everyone had a great holiday season and are looking forward to a new year!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

New voice clip

New voice clip here

Society and the stupid people that live in it

I was waiting for the bus after work a few days ago. It was cold and the bus was late. There were about 7 people waiting in the little bus shelter thing talking amongst themselves.
Story #1 - From what I picked up from bits of conversations and cell phone dialogue, one woman (probably in her mid-twenties) was with a friend of hers taking the bus to pick up drugs. Her boyfriend was a man she had met on a chatline and had taken the greyhound bus from New Jersey to see her. He was at her house picking her 2 year old daughter up off the bus. The bus company called her and said that someone was trying to get her daughter off the bus and they needed her to authorize it. She was upset that she had to call them and give authorization. First of all, why are you waiting in the cold to take a bus to get drugs when you should be at home getting your 2 year old off the bus? And secondly, shouldn't you be happy trhat the bus won't just give your kid to any random stranger? I won't even touch the boyfriend from the internet piece.

Story #2 - While we are waiting, a man (probably in his mid-late twenties) comes over to ask which bus we are waiting for then he leaves. Due to his incredibly feminine voice and mannerisms it can be assumed trhat he is gay. The man next to me (40s, big man in sweatpants) calls the kid a fag. The girl from the previous story says that she knows him and he is, indeed, gay. So the guy next to me calls him a fudge packer, says he must take the hershey way. And if that wasn't enough, he says, "I hate fags. I fucking hate fags." And the girl agrees with him. So he goes on saying how much he hates fags, and I'm just sitting next to him biting my tongue. No one else says anything and I mean, what can you say? Excuse me, Mr. Man, but that isn't really nice of you. I guess I was living with a false sense that people weren't really like this and it bothered me.