After a debacle involving a sick computer and verizon, I am once again wireless! Hooray! I visited my rheumotologist last week and he diagnosed me with an upper respiratory infection ;P Excellent. So I took antibiotics for three days and was told to hold one of my other meds for 10 days. He also gave me some stretches to do to ease my daily muscle and joint pain.
I finally went to the eye doctor after 5+ years of neglecting my vision. My lenses have also been held together with a replacement screw since I was still in college...and considering I graduated in 2006... Yeah, it was time for new glasses. I didn't actually realize how much I couldn't see until I put on the new glasses. I can read the small print on the tv again! Hooray!
I also hired a lawyer to handle my social security disability claim after they denied me for the second time. The lawyer explained to me that mostly everyone gets denied because the social security office gets money from the government every time they deny someone. He said one time he wheeled a man into the courtroom hooked up to oxygen and the judge shook his head and dismissed the case because obviously this man was disabled. That made me feel better.
I found the best news ever yesterday. Mass. RMV changes gender change procedure
I'm extremely excited for the chance to change the gender marker on my ID. I've never had a problem using it and I've never been questioned about it, but it will give me piece of mind. Especially if I can get a new picture taken. ;P
I might try and update my blog more often now that I have home internet, but I've promised this before to no avail. And I wouldn't want to get anyones hopes up ;)