Thursday, August 19, 2010

It is true what you have heard

I'm back!

I know I've said it before, maybe even with conviction, but this time it's the truth.
To my small but mighty group of followers, I thank you for bearing with me and coming back time and again.

To those who are new, WELCOME!

Before we move forward there is a disclaimer:
I'm a transexual. *gasp*

That's right, folks. You've heard it here LIVE. I was born and raised female and began the road to transition 4 years ago. If this offends you I advise you to stop reading. The earlier posts are all about the transition process with doses of comedy and tragedy thrown into the pot.

I'm not offended by questions and I will answer them to the best of my ability.
Now that we've gotten that out of the way - to the Blogmobile! ...err... apparently that is already taken.


I haven't come up with a MASTERPLAN *insert diabolical laugh* as of this post, but I hope to in the near future.

The Blogosphere, as it is called, has erupted in the past 10 years. There are blogs about everything and everyone. I'm surprised my cats don't have blogs.

What will make this blog different then all the other ones out there? It's about me! My life, my journey, and experiences I see through my eyes.

I invite you to come with me on this journey and to experience my life as only I can. Well, as a visitor. Because only I can see what I see as me.