So sorry for the delay between posts. Usually if nothing of note happens in the day I don't see any point in updating.
I just read back a few entries and realized I never updated about the cat. I changed his diet awhile back to Iams healthy something or other and more recently started feeding him a little wet food at night. His problem seems to be gone for now. I'm also working harder to make sure he drinks plenty of water. I mixed some wet food with water today and gave it to him. He was happy to take it off my hands. Right now he's thumping his tail and laying on a stack of magazines. Nothing beats a spoiled, happy cat.
Last night we had our yearly Halloween party. The theme was Iron Chef: Gourds, and I was very apprehensive as last year at the halloween party I had a seizure during set-up. I may have mentioned that before. Anyway, this time I was seizure free! And I won an award for best use of the sectret ingrediant. I made a vegetarian pumpkin lasagna from a recipe I found online. I had my doubt, but it was a fan favorite. Score!
I'm trying to get use to not drinking at parties. With all the pills I'm on and all, alcohol is one of the worst things I can put in my body. Also I'm not the, "well, I'll just have one," type of person. It's why when I quit smoking I just stopped. It's either all or none. If I have one, it'll lead to move. When my doctor okay'd 1-2 beers, I had seven; and I threw up everywhere. I've put soda in the place of alcohol. As odd as it sounds, I think it's working. I stopped drinking soda on a regular basis and only do it on "special" occasions. So last night instead of drinking and regretting it, I let myself have soda guilt free. It's a win-win situation.
I'm trying to get use to not drinking at parties. With all the pills I'm on and all, alcohol is one of the worst things I can put in my body. Also I'm not the, "well, I'll just have one," type of person. It's why when I quit smoking I just stopped. It's either all or none. If I have one, it'll lead to move. When my doctor okay'd 1-2 beers, I had seven; and I threw up everywhere. I've put soda in the place of alcohol. As odd as it sounds, I think it's working. I stopped drinking soda on a regular basis and only do it on "special" occasions. So last night instead of drinking and regretting it, I let myself have soda guilt free. It's a win-win situation.
Tomorrow begins National Novel Writing Month. I'm sure in a few days I'll be blogging about how i can't believe i signed up for this. But for now, let's pretend it's a great idea. I'm hoping that having a goal with a definite deadline will help me get back into a schedule. Not having a schedule and watching 6 hours of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, while fun, isn't doing anything for my mental, emotional, and physical health. Starting at 12:00am November 1st, participants have 30 days to write a 50,000 word novel. Or if you're looking for pages, that number is 175. I don't have any strong ideas as of yet. I think I'll just start writing tomorrow and see what comes out. It's how I work best after all. :)