Hi my legion of insanely patient fans! I'm in a grrrrreat mood, so I thought I'd update!
Today I had jury duty. It was in interesting experience. I got to see the jury paneling procedure for a civil and juvenile case. Other than that, we sat in the jury pool room from 8am to 1pm. And then they let us go, which was excellent because we were all told we'd be there until at least 4pm. I then stopped at the NEW SUBWAY in downtown Worcester (it could be years old for all I know, I never go downtown anymore.) I took the bus back to my mother's house, and walked the rest of the way in the snow. Yes, the snow. Then I proceeded to dance around the house to a Madonna dance mix in my underwear. No, she wasn't home. Thanks for asking, though.
It's very rare that I'm visiting my mother in Worcester and I'm in a good mood. It's probably because she's working her part time (and currently only) job right now.
And here's the part where I ask for money. I'm doing the Revlon 5k Run/Walk in NYC on May 2nd and I'm looking to raise a little bit of money. Last year I did the AIDS walk and I felt like a schmuck for not raising anything. I'm not asking for much. Literally, I'd be happy with a dollar. That would at least make me feel like I raised SOMETHING! All the money raised goes towards funding organizations working on research and education for the eradication of cancer. Yes, I said eradication. You know I mean business.
Here is the link to sponsor me.
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Thank you :)