Monday, September 1, 2008

Sick of Being Sick

I was very proud of myself. I spent an entire day in the library and pounded out a resume. I even bookmarked a bunch of jobs I was interested in applying to. All I needed was a cover page and I figured I'd be applying to jobs by the end of the week. And then the chest pain started.

I called my doctor on Wednesday and he immediately double booked me for the next day. At my appointment he told me I made the right move in calling him. After listening to my chest and hearing nothing exciting, he checked my oxygen saturation. It was at 92% which I guess isn't awful but isn't good either. He sent me for x-rays at Beth Israel, so once again I waited outside for a cab that the doctor's office pays for and then rode to the hospital. I was the only one in the waiting room bc it was after 5. I was really out again in 10 minutes. I love Beth Israel for a number of reasons. One being I can get my chest x-ray taken in an undershirt and a binder. No awkwardness in being told to take my shirt off. I appreciate that. I barely made the 6:25 train back to Lowell. I missed my phone ringing but got a voicemail from the doctor. He said the wet read of the x-ray looked fine but he would check out the actual x-ray in the morning. The next morning I got a call from my rheumotologist who told me my doctor was going to put me on antibiotics just in case and watch it. So I had to stop the Cellcept while taking the antibiotics because it's an immunosuppressant. My doctor called ten minutes later to tell me the same thing. Good news, right?

Negative. This is the same thing that happened last time. The clinic took x-rays and nothing came up so they treated me for pneumonia. Twice. And then I ended up in the hospital. I think I'll give it a few days just to prove the antibiotics didn't work. Or who knows, I could feel better soon. I'm trying to stay optimistic, but I really don't see this ending without another stay in good ole Beth Israel. Hopefully it won't be as long this time because they'll have a better idea of how to treat it.

So for now I'm being bored in the house watching the 3 channels I get and surfing the net when the stolen wireless works. I'm also having trouble sleeping. Greatness ;P